
“Where our deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet, we hear a further call.”

Frederick Buechner

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Practitioner Self-Assessment

Those who practice the art and craft of helping are in themselves the main ‘tools of the trade’. Simply stated by Alfred Adler, “The technique of treatment must be in yourself.” When it comes to InnerView Guidance, the approach implies that you are also on a psychospiritual path of soul growth. Your interventions with clients will sound like counselling correct clichés unless your energetic presence speaks to them beyond the words exchanged in a session. Your very personhood needs to be engaged; hence the questions below explore the personal foundations of your practice. Along with the relating skills you bring to the helping relationship, there is the quality of consciousness clients sense in your presence. That involves where you are on your own journey of maturity and wisdom. Lest this sound daunting, it doesn’t mean you have to be a perfect person to qualify – just the opposite – the best helpers and healers have one foot in their firsthand experience of the issues (even if it’s to a lesser degree) and one foot out. It’s like the way great ‘method actors’ find within themselves the essential traits of characters they are playing. It’s also the key to facilitating attunement.

Sample questions for practitioner self-assessment

What would you say is your best quality as a helper or healer?

What do you trust most about your clients and your connection with them?

What inner and outer resources give you strength and courage when facing personal challenges?

What is one of the main spiritual principles you have learned which you feel most clients need to know?

How does your own journey of faith or experience on the spiritual path inform your therapeutic or healing practice?

What else motivates you at the deepest level and gives you a sense of confidence and purpose?

Is there a therapeutic model or approach you have found particularly helpful and which promotes your own soul growth?

What uplifts or delights your soul and allows you to lose track of time?